GFE Trainer Skills

GFE Trainer Skills


GFE Trainer Skills


1 . During your training sessions, you have come across a group of teachers who seem resistant or reluctant to attend your trainings. What are some strategies you can use to help engage them?
2 . Your role as a leader and trainer doesn’t end with one training session. Which ideas can you implement to support ongoing learning?
3 . After a training session, many teachers want to continue the conversation away from school. Which of the following might best enable your teachers to continue to work together as a group?
4 . As a trainer, you are an integral part of supporting lasting change in your community. What strategies can you implement to garner support for your training goals?
5 . Assisting teachers as they set personal and professional goals is an important part of working with adults. In what ways can Google Meet assist in the goal-setting process within your organization?
6 . Developing a shared vision for teacher training is one of the most important qualities of any leader. What tools can you use to make sure that the shared vision includes the school’s learning goals, initiatives, and collective voice?
7 . Knowing how to deliver information with poise and clarity will be essential to your success as a trainer. What techniques can you implement to connect with your audience?
8 . You are planning a teacher training for new hires in your organization. You want to create opportunities for these teachers to bond and interact with each other. How can you design your training to meet this goal?
9 . Being knowledgeable about Google Workspace integrations across subjects and grade levels is important for all Certified Trainers. Match the training use case with the best Google tool for the task.
10 . Although your school provides devices for all students, many of the students in your organization do not have Internet access at home. There is concern that students will then have unequal access to Google Workspace for Education. How can you enable students to work on Google files offline?
11 . The users in your organization want to try a few new web services that integrate with Google. However, they are wary of creating more user accounts because they are having trouble remembering passwords to their existing accounts. Which solution would require the minimum number of steps to implement on the user’s part?
12 . A group of parents at your school has expressed concerns about the privacy of their children’s data inside of Google Workspace for Education. How can you accurately describe the way Google uses student data?
13 . When designing a professional development session, you have many delivery options. As a trainer, you may use different formats over the course of the year. Match the description with the delivery option.
14 . You have been tasked with creating learning resources for the staff in your organization. Which Google tools can you use? Match the type of resource you want to create with the most appropriate tool.
15 . Parents at your school want to know more about Google Workspace for Education. How would you describe the core suite?
16 . There is a lot to consider when designing professional development for adult learners. Each participant comes to a session with a variety of skills and experiences that trainers need to be aware of in order to personalize the learning. Which of the following are qualities of an adult learner?
17 . Teachers are concerned that their emails in Google Workspace are being scanned. You want to ease their concerns and let them know that scans are automated to provide better features and security in the product. Which of the following features are possible because of automated scanning?
18 . What makes for aesthetically pleasing training materials?
19 . Your Information Technology department is having trouble resolving some issues with your organization’s Google Workspace for Education account. Name three troubleshooting options that are available to Google Workspace for Education domains.
20 . Your school wants to sign up for Google Workspace for Education. What two things do you need to do when you fill out Google’s sign up form?
21 . Your organization wants to limit Gmail features for students but not for staff members. What solution can you offer?
22 . Your organization leader wants to know how effective your training sessions have been. What information could you share with him to show your impact?
23 . Working with reluctant teachers can come with challenges. What are some high-impact strategies to use when working with resistant teachers?
24 . Your school community is wondering why Google is involved in education. You want to explain that education is core to Google’s mission. What is Google’s mission?
25 . You want to know how effective your training sessions have been. How might you gather feedback from your attendees?
26 . Gathering data about your audience is a crucial step in designing training that supports all learners. Important details to uncover during your conversations with leadership and teachers should include:

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