Inbound Sales

Inbound Sales


Inbound Sales


1 . What is the buyer doing during the awareness stage of their buying journey?
2 . What is your role during the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey?
3 . What is the buyer doing during the consideration stage of their buying journey?
4 . What is your role during the consideration stage of the buyer’s journey?
5 . What is the buyer doing during the decision stage of their buying journey?
6 . What is your role during the decision stage of the buyer’s journey?
7 . You should do all of the following activities during the connect phase of your inbound sales strategy EXCEPT:
8 . You should do all of the following activities during the explore phase of your inbound sales strategy EXCEPT:
9 . You should do all of the following activities during the advise phase of your inbound sales strategy EXCEPT:
10 . What is the goal of the identify phase of an inbound sales strategy?
11 . What is an active buyer?
12 . When you identify an active buyer, what stage of the buyer’s journey will they most often be in?
13 . What is a passive buyer?
14 . True or false? You should only start identifying passive buyers after identifying all of the active buyers.
15 . How quickly should you contact inbound leads?
16 . What is the difference between a sales process and an inbound sales strategy?
17 . All of the following are examples of inbound leads EXCEPT:
18 . All of the following could be a trigger event EXCEPT:
19 . What should a business-to-business salesperson do if their website gets multiple anonymous visits from a single company?
20 . An inbound sales strategy focuses on identifying people who _________.
21 . Fill in the Blank: For business-to-business sales teams, an ideal customer profile usually identifies ________. For sales teams who sell directly to consumers, an ideal customer profile identifies ________.
22 . How long should each message in your sequence be?
23 . How often should you reference yourself in your outreach messages?
24 . Congratulations — you just landed a job selling IT equipment to large corporations! You receive your first inbound lead, and you call the person who submitted it. You quickly realize that this person is a junior employee with no buying authority. What should you do?
25 . Fill in the Blank: End each email with a ______.
26 . All of the following are examples of social selling EXCEPT:
27 . Which of the following is an example of a common connection?
28 . All of the following might be included in an ideal customer profile EXCEPT:
29 . What is a trigger event?
30 . When should you transition to the explore phase?
31 . What does it mean to make your outreach "human"?
32 . What does it mean to make your outreach "helpful"?
33 . Fill in the blank. If a prospect says, “I’m thinking about moving into a larger facility,” that’s an example of a __________.
34 . What does it mean to make your outreach "holistic"?
35 . Fill in the blank. If a prospect says, “I’m hoping to get this figured out before the end of the quarter,” that’s an example of a __________.
36 . How can you make sure the content you share is relevant to your prospects?
37 . Fill in the blank. If a prospect says, “If I don’t find a way to solve this problem, I’m going to have to start laying off employees,” that’s an example of a __________.
38 . Fill in the blank. If a prospect says, “If I can find a way to fix this, I think we’ll be able to open a second location next year,” that’s an example of a __________.
39 . If a lead calls you in response to a voicemail you left, what should you do?
40 . Your teammate creates an outreach sequence with 10 steps in it and asks you if that’s a good length. How do you respond?
41 . If your company doesn’t produce very much content, all of the following are good alternatives EXCEPT:
42 . All of the following are advantages of using the CGP, TCI, BA framework EXCEPT:
43 . What do you need to do before connecting with someone on social media?
44 . How can you start building rapport before getting on a call?
45 . How long should the rapport-building part of an exploratory call be?
46 . You should do all of the following in your sales presentation EXCEPT:
47 . All of the following questions are part of the 1-10 closing technique EXCEPT:
48 . How should you begin your sales presentation?
49 . How do you determine the timeline for closing a deal?
50 . Where in your presentation should you present case studies on other companies you’ve worked with?

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