Sales Softwere

Sales Softwere


Sales Software


1 . If you send a tracked email to a contact and you get a notification saying they read it, when should you call them?
2 . If you enroll a person in a Sequence, what happens when they respond?
3 . When creating an email template, how would you add a personalized closing line?
4 . When creating an email template to confirm a meeting with someone, how would you include the time the meeting was scheduled for?
5 . When creating an email template to schedule a meeting with someone, how would you add a description of the topics the meeting was supposed to cover?
6 . When creating an email template, how would you add the next steps? For example, “If you’d still like to talk about this, please let me know the best time to reach you.”
7 . When creating an email template, how would you include the contact’s phone number?
8 . True or False? When you add a note to a contact record, the content of the note automatically gets emailed to that contact.
9 . If you need a report that isn’t included by default on the sales dashboard, what should you do first?
10 . There are several ways to create contacts. One way is to create contacts manually. All of the following are also ways to create contacts EXCEPT:
11 . If you’re enrolling a contact into a sequence and you see a warning that an email has low personalization, what happens when you click the warning?
12 . Where can you send a tracked email from?
13 . A playbook can include all of the following EXCEPT:
14 . Which of the following is NOT a required part of an email template?
15 . If you don’t have access to the playbooks tool, which free Sales Hub tool would be your best choice for inserting an outline into your call notes?
16 . True or false? In general, you should use the default options provided in the “Lead status” property.
17 . Email templates use personalization tokens to pull information from CRM properties into your emails, but you should also leave room to personalize every email you send. Why?
18 . How do chatbots qualify leads?
19 . Which of the following is NOT an option with the Slack integration?
20 . Which of the following Sales Hub tiers have access to HubSpot’s automation platform?
21 . You can do all of the following with the meetings tool EXCEPT:
22 . Which Sales Hub tool would you use to send a quote to a prospect?
23 . Which Sales Hub tool would you use to add your terms of service to a quote?
24 . Which of the following is the best description of how to filter records in HubSpot CRM?
25 . When you send a tracked email, you receive a notification every time the email is opened. You can receive these notifications in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
26 . When creating an email template, how would you include the contact’s name in the greeting?
27 . Which of the following is NOT a default contact property in HubSpot CRM?
28 . When making a call from HubSpot CRM, what’s the best way to take notes during a call?
29 . What's an ideal customer profile?
30 . Which of the following can you use the documents tool for?
31 . Which Sales Hub tool would you use to add products to a deal?
32 . How has the internet changed the relationship between buyers and sellers?
33 . Which of the following is a best practice when sending emails as part of your task queue?
34 . What is a sequence?
35 . All of the following are default reports in HubSpot CRM EXCEPT:
36 . True or false? HubSpot Video is part of the quotes tool.
37 . In HubSpot CRM, what’s the relationship between contacts and companies?
38 . You’ve been researching XYZ Inc. and discover that someone at the company has viewed your pricing page, so you give them a call. How should you record this in the CRM?
39 . The buyer–seller relationship has changed dramatically in the past 20 years. This is PRIMARILY because:
40 . Where do your team’s interactions (phone calls, emails, etc.. with contacts appear inside HubSpot CRM?
41 . Which of the following statements is true?
42 . This training has contrasted the traditional way of doing sales with a new way, known as “inbound sales.” Which of the following BEST describes what makes inbound selling different from other sales techniques?
43 . What information shows on the timeline of a company record?
44 . How can you find all of the contacts who don’t have a value in a particular property?
45 . How can you share saved filters with other team members?
46 . True or false? When you change the displayed properties in the “About” section of a contact record, that change automatically carries through to all contact records in the CRM.
47 . Which of the following is a benefit of keeping your contacts’ Lead Status property up to date?
48 . Fill in the blanks. Good email templates increase ______ without sacrificing _____.
49 . Which of the following is FALSE about sales emails?
50 . Email templates in HubSpot Sales must have all of the following EXCEPT:

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