Advanced Google Analytics

Advanced Google Analytics


Advanced Google Analytics


1 . 1. If default Google Analytics tracking code is installed on pages with different domains, Analytics will count these users and sessions separately.
2 . 2. What does Google Analytics call a URL that passes data parameters for reporting?
3 . 3. When does the Google Analytics tracking code send a pageview hit to Analytics?
4 . 4. When does the Google Analytics tracking code send an event hit to Analytics?
5 . 5. What does Google Analytics use to differentiate new and returning users?
6 . 6. What will happen if a user clears the Analytics cookie from their browser?
7 . 7. By default, Google Analytics can recognize returning users over multiple sessions from different browsers and devices.
8 . 8. A session in Google Analytics times out after how many minutes by default?
9 . 9. To send data to Google Analytics from a web-connected device like a point-of-sale system, what feature must be used?
10 . 10. For an event goal defined as playing a video, how many Goal conversions will Google Analytics record if that video is played three times in the same session?
11 . 11. Which are Goal types in Google Analytics?
12 . 12. If data is excluded from a view using a filter, it may be recovered within thirty days.
13 . 13. Which of these scopes could be used for dimensions and metrics?
14 . 14. When defining a measurement plan, what is the order of steps?
15 . 15. What are macro-conversions in a measurement plan?
16 . 1. To collect data from two websites with different URLs using a single Google Analytics property, what feature must be set up?
17 . 2. Filters may be applied retroactively to any data that has already been processed.
18 . 3. To see data for users from the U.S. and Canada only in a view, which filter would be applied?
19 . 4. To view data in reports by user categories such as Bronze, Gold, and Platinum status levels, what Google Analytics feature is needed to collect this data?
20 . 5. To pair metrics with dimensions, what should they have in common?
21 . 6. To create a Custom Dimension for membership status (i.e., rewards level), what scope would be applied?
22 . 7. Custom Dimensions can be used in which reports?
23 . 8. When a Custom Dimension is active, which data will it affect?
24 . 9. To collect the number of comments users posted to a website page, what feature would be used?
25 . 10. Custom Metrics can have which scopes?
26 . 11. What four parameters can be included with an event hit for reporting?
27 . 12. If a user watches a video with event tracking three times in a single session, how many Unique Events will be counted?
28 . 1. Segments applied to reports can analyze data for which of the following groups?
29 . 2. Custom segments may be created using which of the following criteria?
30 . 3. How many segments may be applied at once?
31 . 4. Because segments are applied before sampling, segmented data will not be sampled.
32 . 5. What report shows data segmented by channel?
33 . 6. Google Ads and Google Marketing Platform campaigns served on the Google Display Network are grouped into which channel?
34 . 7. What report analyzes which webpages get the most traffic and highest engagement?
35 . 8. In a “last-click” attribution model, Google Analytics will attribute all of the conversion credit to which source(s)?
36 . 9. Multi-channel Funnel reports can credit conversions across which channels?
37 . 10. How would Google Analytics credit a channel that contributed to a conversion prior to the final interaction?
38 . 11. What report shows users who initiated sessions over 1-day, 7-day, 14-day, and 30-day periods?
39 . 12. What report groups an audience based on acquisition date and compares behavior metrics over several weeks?
40 . 13. Custom Reports have which capabilities?
41 . 14. What type of Custom Report shows a static, sortable table with rows of data?
42 . 15. Which would prevent data from appearing in a Custom Report?
43 . 1. What is “remarketing” in Google Analytics?
44 . 2. To enable remarketing in Google Analytics, what must first be enabled?
45 . 3. Which remarketing audiences can be defined in Google Analytics?
46 . 4. Remarketing can show relevant ads on which Google properties?
47 . 5. What is the maximum duration a user can be included in a remarketing audience?
48 . 6. What Google Analytics data can be used to define a remarketing audience?
49 . 7. How many user cookies does an audience list require to be eligible for Google Ads Search Ad remarketing?
50 . 8. Which users could be targeted with Dynamic Remarketing to bring them back to a website?

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