
1 . 61. Mariah is performing an SEO competitive analysis on her client’s website. She identifies that their backlink profile is relatively weak, primarily because her client believes backlinks are a trend and isn’t interested in investing in them. However, she notices that their top competitors have received backlinks from a few reputable news agencies and aggregator sites. As a result, they are outranking her client in the SERPs. How should Mariah approach this situation with her client?
2 . 60. Which of the following does Google consider a good CLS score?
3 . 59. Jeremiah is an in-house SEO specialist for a car rental company with locations across the U.S. He works closely with the firm’s web designer, Maria, who mentions to him that she’d like to contextualize the site’s homepage by displaying the nearest car rental pickup spot based on the user’s location. Jeremiah thinks this is a great idea, but has concerns about how it may slow down the site. What solution could Jeremiah employ to keep the functionality while maintaining the site speed?
4 . 58. What is minification?
5 . 57. Dana is an SEO freelancer working with a client who is redesigning their website. The client’s designer has come up with a design that uses four custom fonts, but Dana voices their concern that this could have a negative impact on the site’s performance. How can Dana explain this issue to their client, and what solution can they propose?
6 . 56. Select all that apply. Which of the following can negatively impact your CLS score?
7 . 55. What are the three aspects of a website’s user experience, as measured by Core Web Vitals?
8 . 54. Raquel is working on a technical SEO audit for a new client who recently decided to move their website from HTTP to HTTPS. When starting her audit, Raquel notices that some HTTP pages were never redirected to the HTTPS pages, which is now causing issues for the site in search. However, this client is very resistant to the idea of implementing more redirects, since they’ve heard that this can lead to a drop in their search performance. How should Raquel approach this situation with her client?
9 . 53. Which of the following is the most important aspect of a mobile-friendly website?
10 . 52. What is a technical SEO specification?
11 . 51. What is the purpose of a URL mapping file?
12 . 50. Fill in the blank: ___ happens when the server tells a web browser to keep the files it downloads, so it doesn’t have to download them again in the future.
13 . 49. What is the first step in any website migration project?
14 . 48. What is Google Page Experience?
15 . 47. True or false? You can minify code or compress it, but you cannot do both.
16 . 46. What is the purpose of an image sprite?
17 . 45. Why is it important to keep track of Google algorithm updates?
18 . 44. Fill in the blank: ___ occurs when a user quickly navigates back and forth between pages in search results.
19 . 43. Select all that apply. What are the main categories of site moves?
20 . 42. True or false? If you improve the speed at which individual pages load, you’ll improve your overall site speed.
21 . 41. Fill in the blanks: ___ and ___ form the foundation of technical SEO.
22 . 40. What is the best practice for using website pop-ups in a user-friendly way?
23 . 39. Adding inline CSS dimensions to images, videos, and gifs helps improve which Core Web Vital?
24 . 38. What is lazy loading?
25 . 37. True or false? Cumulative Layout Shift is only measured on a page’s first load.
26 . 36. What is Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)?
27 . 35. True or false? Page experience is the primary ranking factor for Google, even more important than a page’s content.
28 . 34. Claire is analyzing her website’s Core Web Vitals and notices that LCP is occurring at 10 seconds, which is much longer than what Google recommends. Which of the following elements could be contributing to slowing down Claire’s page?
29 . 33. Select all that apply. Which of the following are included in Google’s Page Experience update?
30 . 32. Which of the following is NOT a function of the robots.txt file?
31 . 31. True or false? Most elements of a website can be cached.
32 . 30. Fill in the blank: ___ happens when the server saves the result of a single render and serves that same result when requested again.
33 . 29. Which of the following is NOT a strategy to limit HTTP requests?
34 . 28. What is the purpose of limiting HTTP requests?
35 . 27. Blake is going through a technical SEO audit for his company’s website when he notices that several pages are taking 6 or more seconds to load. He knows this is too slow and he needs to speed them up, but isn’t sure how to identify what’s causing the slowdown or how to fix it. To get started, what should Blake look into?
36 . 26. If a website has content added via JavaScript, what additional stage do search engines need to complete?
37 . 25. Select all that apply. Which of the following should you avoid to reduce a site’s crawl budget?
38 . 24. Crawl budget is mainly a concern for which types of websites?
39 . 23. Select all that apply. Which of the following status codes should you focus on resolving during a technical SEO audit?
40 . 22. True or false? Moving a site from HTTP to HTTPS does not count as a site migration.
41 . 21. During which stage of a migration should you benchmark site performance metrics?
42 . 20. When is the best time to execute a site migration?
43 . 19. True or false? It is best practice to avoid redirect chains by redirecting straight to a page’s final destination.
44 . 18. Jenny is in charge of creating the URL mapping file for her company’s website migration project. While working on it, she notices that there are many pages which have no corresponding page on the new site, because they have been either removed or consolidated. She isn’t sure what to do about these pages. What would you suggest Jenny do in this scenario?
45 . 17. What are the proper use cases for 301 and 302 redirects?
46 . 16. Select all that apply. What are the advantages of migrating a large site in sections?
47 . 15. Select all that apply. Which of the following are examples of site moves with URL changes?
48 . 14. Greta is an SEO professional working for a large law firm. She is gathering her monthly reports on their website performance, and her manager has asked that she focus on demonstrating how SEO is contributing to the business’ bottom line. What type of report should Greta pull in order to best show the ROI of SEO?
49 . 13. Which type of report will show you what brought people to a particular page?
50 . 12. Select all that apply. Which of the following metrics should be included in a content quality report?

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