Email Marketing

Email Marketing


Email Marketing


1 . What is the definition of an email marketing strategy?
2 . When was the first email sent?
3 . How can email marketing fuel your overall inbound strategy?
4 . What does it mean to create an inbound email marketing strategy?
5 . Segmentation is an important piece of your inbound email marketing strategy. What does segmentation primarily help you do?
6 . When sending email you can segment contacts by their buyer personas. What is a buyer persona?
7 . You’re looking to send an email to three different lists of contacts. You’ve created each segmented list based off where those contacts are in their research process with your company. What type of lists have you created?
8 . The significance of segmentation, the power of personalization, and the impact of data-driven analysis are the three pillars of an _________.
9 . As an inbound professional you might be sending many different types of emails, even one-to-one communication emails. What will you need to send one-to-many emails?
10 . You can use your database and contact management strategy to do a few things: see the whole picture of every contact, organize contacts to keep a healthy database at all times, and what else?
11 . Fill in the blank: Inbound is the happy marriage between___________.
12 . Each year your contacts database will decay, so to successfully cater to the needs and interests of your contacts, what do you need to begin with?
13 . Before emailing any contacts in your database, what question do you need to ask yourself or your team?
14 . If you have an offer that’s targeted towards your leads in your database and wouldn’t provide as much value to your customers, what could you segment by to send only to your leads?
15 . To help you track the health of your database, you’ll typically want to have a few segments that help you monitor that health. What is one example of a segment to track health?
16 . If you have an offer that’s targeted towards your leads in your database and wouldn’t provide as much value to your customers, what could you segment by to send only to your leads?
17 . To help you track the health of your database, you’ll typically want to have a few segments that help you monitor that health. What is one example of a segment to track health?
18 . You received an email this morning where the content didn’t align with the subject or the context in which you were receiving it. It was a jarring experience for you. What was this email not doing?
19 . True or false? When you take a specific action on a website around a certain topic, and an email is triggered to you that follows up with additional educational content around that topic, this is an example of sending the right email.
20 . What helps to ensure you deliver the right email to the right person?
21 . Fill in the blank: Connecting the different stages of the buyer’s journey with the content you’re sending is an example of ____________.
22 . Using the data you have on each of your contacts—such as when they open, click, and convert—and scheduling your emails to send when your contacts are mostly likely to engage with your email is the definition of what?
23 . Sending the right email requires tactical aspects. Which of these are tactical aspects of sending the right email?
24 . By adding the following copy to your email, what are you doing for your contacts? “Thanks for subscribing to my blog. I’m thrilled to have you here! You’ll be receiving updates from me on how to send better emails on a monthly basis, but if you’re looking to update your email preferences, you can do so anytime here. Invite your team members to subscribe because when we learn together, we grow together.”
25 . What does AIDA stand for?
26 . Having an understanding of what you’re trying to achieve is the most important part of creating high-performing emails. What theme does this correlate to?
27 . What are the two key actions to look at when optimizing each part your email?
28 . What is the definition of a conversion?
29 . What is the ideal length of a subject line?
30 . You have one goal for your email, and your CTA should drive the reader toward that goal. In addition to your CTA button, how else can you link to your CTA?
31 . What is graymail?
32 . Through sources, permissions, and expectations, you’re taking a close look at the contacts lists that you’re sending email to. This will help you ______.
33 . True or false? Any email marketing vender of value will not allow you to send to a purchased list.
34 . What are the two buckets that your post-send metrics fall into?
35 . True or false? Email deliverability is the measurement and understanding of how successful a sender is at getting their marketing email into people’s inboxes.
36 . A computer program that allows you to access and manage your email is the definition of what?
37 . What is the average width of an email?
38 . True or false? Your email outline is the actual template you’ll use for every email.
39 . There are three types of metrics you want to analyze and track. Two of them are individual email metrics and whole marketing channel metrics. What is the third?
40 . True or false? Creating a consistent learning experience is a step in outlining the design of your marketing emails.
41 . True or false? You want to strive for a very little drop off between the number of people you sent to and the number of people you were able to successfully deliver to.
42 . Fill in the blank: Return on investment is used in many aspects of your inbound strategy. In your email marketing strategy, it is defined as the overall return your _______.
43 . What is one common cause of low click-through rates?
44 . Fill in the blank: Consistent analysis helps you discover _________.
45 . What is the first question you should ask yourself when testing your marketing emails?
46 . Using an A/B test, what can you test with your marketing emails?
47 . Which of the following is NOT a step in creating tests for your marketing emails?
48 . What is the definition of analysis?
49 . The number of valid email addresses that accepted your company’s message is the definition of what metric?
50 . Software with the goal of automating your marketing actions is the definition of what?

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