Home » 27. Blake is going through a technical SEO audit for his company’s website when he notices that several pages are taking 6 or more seconds to load. He knows this is too slow and he needs to speed them up, but isn’t sure how to identify what’s causing the slowdown or how to fix it. To get started, what should Blake look into? » 27. Blake is going through a technical SEO audit for his company’s website when he notices that several pages are taking 6 or more seconds to load. He knows this is too slow and he needs to speed them up, but isn’t sure how to identify what’s causing the slowdown or how to fix it. To get started, what should Blake look into?

27. Blake is going through a technical SEO audit for his company’s website when he notices that several pages are taking 6 or more seconds to load. He knows this is too slow and he needs to speed them up, but isn’t sure how to identify what’s causing the slowdown or how to fix it. To get started, what should Blake look into?

27. Blake is going through a technical SEO audit for his company’s website when he notices that several pages are taking 6 or more seconds to load. He knows this is too slow and he needs to speed them up, but isn’t sure how to identify what’s causing the slowdown or how to fix it. To get started, what should Blake look into?


    (A) Large code files that could be minified
    (B) Non-essential JavaScript that could be moved to the footer
    (C) Large image or video files that could be compressed
    (D) All of the above


    (D) All of the above


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