
1 . Where can you send a tracked email from?
2 . If you’re enrolling a contact into a sequence and you see a warning that an email has low personalization, what happens when you click the warning?
3 . There are several ways to create contacts. One way is to create contacts manually. All of the following are also ways to create contacts EXCEPT:
4 . If you need a report that isn’t included by default on the sales dashboard, what should you do first?
5 . True or False? When you add a note to a contact record, the content of the note automatically gets emailed to that contact.
6 . When creating an email template, how would you include the contact’s phone number?
7 . When creating an email template, how would you add the next steps? For example, “If you’d still like to talk about this, please let me know the best time to reach you.”
8 . When creating an email template to schedule a meeting with someone, how would you add a description of the topics the meeting was supposed to cover?
9 . When creating an email template to confirm a meeting with someone, how would you include the time the meeting was scheduled for?
10 . When creating an email template, how would you add a personalized closing line?
11 . If you enroll a person in a Sequence, what happens when they respond?
12 . If you send a tracked email to a contact and you get a notification saying they read it, when should you call them?
13 . True or false? Personalization tokens work for first-time visitors for know things like their country location.
14 . In order to successfully use personalization, you need to review your contacts database and ensure all of the following EXCEPT:
15 . You begin to optimize your website content for search engines and visitors alike. Which stage of the buyer's journey should this content be for?
16 . Why is it important to map out the conversion path of a smart CTA for each segment?
17 . Your colleague wants you to add contextual marketing to the landing page called "50 Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid Checklist." Which of the following is not an important factor to investigate before adding contextual marketing to the landing page?
18 . In evaluating your company's blog posts from the past quarter, your boss Sam has identified that the post called "The Top 3 Ways to Improve Your Marketing" as being a top-performing post. Sam wants to add contextual marketing to show different 'ways to improve your marketing' to different blog readers based on their lifecycle stage. Is this a good approach?
19 . Your colleague Jana imported contacts collected from a recent trade show and is planning to send the contacts an email. In adding contextual marketing to the email, Smart Content Insights show that 98% of the email recipients have an offline source. What does this mean?
20 . True or false? You should start creating a contextual marketing strategy by targeting your buyer personas.
21 . In order to begin with contextual marketing, you should determine the opportunities. Where should you start?
22 . True or false? Most contextual marketing strategies are well-suited for refining the default content to align with a particular user segment's needs.
23 . True or false? Smart Content Insights help you decide on the targeted segment on a smart form.
24 . Default content should be optimized for which group above all?
25 . Your colleague Jana wants to add contextual marketing to your organization's homepage. She wants to target your company's top buyer persona "Copywriter Charles." What would you suggest for Jana to decide upon next in planning a contextual marketing strategy?
26 . The language of the user's choice is set by:
27 . When using the context of a user's mobile device type, which landing page element should be first evaluated for adding contextual marketing?
28 . True or false? You can display content variations to mobile, tablet or desktop users.
29 . An automated email that you send has a high click-through rate, but the landing page that it promotes has a low conversion rate. Which element would benefit most from contextual marketing?
30 . You are evaluating the bounce rate of your overall website traffic and find that users with a social media referral source have a higher bounce rate. Which user experience principle will make your content more aligned with what they are looking for?
31 . True or false? You must set up a smart list in order to segment users by country.
32 . True or false? When segmenting by buyer persona, focus on your newest persona first.
33 . True or false? Embedded content or HTML content can be shown exclusively to desktop users.
34 . True or false? "Other campaigns" is a segmentation option used to manually segment contacts.
35 . All of the following are ways to improve the mobile experience for a website visitor EXCEPT:
36 . How is the geography of a visitor on your website determined?
37 . Your colleague Jana is building a campaign around the longtail keyword "landing page optimization services," which is a service your company provides. What kind of segmentation should you use to add contextual marketing in order to help Jana have more of an impact on visitors?
38 . The ABC Marketing Agency has become an international business and you now need a Portuguese version of your website as soon as possible. Your boss Sam asks you to create the second website using smart content. Why is this not the best approach?
39 . Fill in the blank: Lifecycle stages allow you to categorize your users by _______.
40 . When segmenting by lifecycle stage, what is the first thing to decide?
41 . When a visitor's location cannot be determined, which of the following rules is displayed?
42 . Sam, your boss at ABC Marketing Agency, wants users to feel more connected to your company. Sam suggests: "Add a personalization token to the homepage that says 'Welcome, first name.' I know that we need personalized content." How would you respond to Sam's request?
43 . Your colleague Jana would like to add a personalization token to a landing page that offers "10 Tips to Generate More Leads." She would like to add the Company Name property in order to connect with the user, showing that this ebook would be helpful to the individual's company. How would you respond to Jana?
44 . You're trying to build out a contextual marketing strategy at your company, but your boss is not seeing the value of it. How do you explain the benefit of personalization?
45 . Your marketing director at ABC Marketing Agency would like to set up an email campaign that will use personalization to reference a lead's recent conversion. Is this possible?
46 . True or false? You can use personalization tokens in email subject lines.
47 . How can you ensure that your website stays visually consistent?
48 . Jana has offered to conduct a card-sort to help with user testing for your company's new website. What is Jana hoping to determine with a card-sort?
49 . Which is NOT a way to ensure that the results from usability testing are consistently reliable?
50 . Your boss, Sam, has approved for you to conduct a usability test on your company's website. Your next step is to design the test. All of the following are important for the test's success EXCEPT:

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